Book Title: Research Methods: Exploring the Social World in Canadian Context

Authors: Diane Symbaluk and Robyn Hall

Book Description: Research Methods: Exploring the Social World in Canadian Contexts, third edition, provides students with a readily accessible introduction to research methodology. This open textbook covers qualitative and quantitative methods, guiding readers through planning and conducting research, proposal writing, and report creation while addressing common research errors and challenges. Key topics include ethics, research design, sampling, experiments, surveys, qualitative interviewing, ethnography, and mixed-method approaches. 

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Book Information

Book Description

Research Methods: Exploring the Social World in Canadian Contexts, third edition, provides students with a readily accessible introduction to research methodology. This open textbook covers qualitative and quantitative methods, guiding readers through planning, and conducting research, proposal writing, and report creation while addressing common research errors and challenges. Key topics include ethics, research design, sampling, experiments, surveys, qualitative interviewing, ethnography, and mixed-method approaches.

Major revisions to this third edition include transforming the book into an open education resource, allowing students to access it freely online. The new edition features interactive self-assessment activities, embedded videos, and is available in various formats (web and PDF) with accessible features for students with disabilities. It is also openly licensed, enabling instructors to adapt the content for their own teaching needs. Additional updates include new Canadian research resources and studies by Canadian scholars.


  • Key terms and definitions embedded in the text.
  • Reflection questions and exercises to help students learn through practice and contemplation.
  • Interactive self-assessment activities where students can test their knowledge and receive immediate feedback.
  • Contemporary examples of Canadian research and resources that help illustrate the relevance of methods and research concepts in everyday life.


Diane Symbaluk and Robyn Hall


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Research Methods: Exploring the Social World in Canadian Context Copyright © 2024 by Diane Symbaluk & Robyn Hall is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


Research methods: general


Research Methods: Exploring the Social World in Canadian Context
Diane Symbaluk and Robyn Hall

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Research Methods: Exploring the Social World in Canadian Context Copyright © 2024 by Diane Symbaluk & Robyn Hall is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

Under these terms you are free to share, copy, or adapt this book in any medium or format for non-commercial purposes provided you attribute the original work and its authors and clearly indicate any changes you have made.

Please cite this work as follows: Symbaluk, D. G., & Hall, R. (2024). Research methods: Exploring the social world in Canadian contexts (3rd ed.). MacEwan Open Books.

Cover design by Abigail Graham. Cover image by B_Me under a Pixabay License / CC0.

Primary Subject
Research methods: general
Additional Subject(s)
MacEwan University
MacEwan Open Books
Publication Date
July 16, 2024
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Ebook ISBN