
A published textbook results from the collective effort of various individuals beyond the author. First, we respectfully thank reviewers who examined early draft chapters and offered helpful suggestions. We also wish to acknowledge Blair Moran and Penny Chu for assistance formatting, and ultimately transforming, this book from a print version in its second edition to a digital third edition that is now freely and readily available to students online. Thanks also to Carol Woo for assistance with copyediting and to Abigail Graham for her help designing the book cover for this work.

One of the authors was fortunate to have Alyssa Stratman as a student in a research methods course during the fall of 2022. Alyssa has permitted us to include an adapted version of her final report as an Appendix in this book to assist others in the development of a research project using content analysis. She turned her report into a poster presentation (also included) to disseminate her findings at MacEwan University’s 2023 student research conference. This report was first published in the Canadian Journal of Family and Youth (Stratman, 2023) and is reprinted here with permission from the journal editor.

We also thank MacEwan University students Layla Dekin, Carly Parker, and Taylor Sopkow for their research assistance supported by a Teaching Impact Fund in locating articles and helping to develop interactive resources for inclusion in this book.

Finally, we wish to acknowledge those students from whom we continue to learn valuable teaching and research lessons.


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Research Methods: Exploring the Social World in Canadian Context Copyright © 2024 by Diane Symbaluk & Robyn Hall is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.