Appendix C: Figure Descriptions

Figure 1.2 image description: A treble clef on a staff. A whole note is placed on the second from bottom line with a letter G beside it. A whole note is also below the staff on a leger line. There is an arrow with the text middle C pointing at the note. [Return to Figure 1.2]

Figure 1.3 image description: A bass clef symbol on a staff. A whole note on the second from top line with a letter F beside it. A whole note above the staff on a leger line with an arrow and text middle C pointing at it. [Return to Figure 1.3]

Figure 1.4 image description: Two staffs joined by a curved line. The top staff has a treble clef and the bottom staff has a bass clef. There are letters showing the musical alphabet spread across both staffs. [Return to Figure 1.4]

Figure 6.1 image description: A staff with treble clef, and 4/4 time signature. The staff is divided into five sections with barlines. There is a repeat symbol placed at the start and end of the staff. [Return to Figure 6.1]

Figure 6.2 image description: A staff with treble clef, and 4/4 time signature. The staff is divided into five sections with barlines. There is a repeat symbol to start the staff. There is a repeat symbol at the end of the 4th bar. Over the 4th bar there is a line with the number 1. Over the 5th bar is a line with the number 2. [Return to Figure 6.2]

Figure 6.3 image description: Four staffs with clefs. There is a A in a box to start the first staff. There is also a swirly symbol indicating the Del Signa. There is a B in a box to start the second staff, with the image of a coda bug at the end of the staff. There is a C in a box to start the third staff. The third staff ends with the text D.S al coda. The fourth staff starts with a coda bug and the text Coda. [Return to Figure 6.3]

Figure 8.1 image description: Image of a staff with a treble clef. Notes are placed on staff from middle C up one octave. Notes are named below the staff, and scale degree numbers are below the note names. Above the staff are brackets with the numbers 1 or 1/2 – showing the whole steps and half steps. [Return to Figure 8.1]

Figure 8.2 image description: Image showing piano keyboard, staff below showing treble clef and notes from G on the second line to G on top of staff. Sharp symbol is placed before the F. [Return to Figure 8.2]

Figure 8.3 image description: Image of piano keyboard and staff with treble clef. Notes are placed from F on the bottom line to F on the top line. [Return to Figure 8.3]

Figure 8.4 image description: Image of piano keyboard and staff with treble clef. Notes are placed from bottom space to top line, and there is a flat symbol beside the 4th note – B. [Return to Figure 8.4]

Figure 9.1 image description: Image of piano keyboard and staff with treble clef. Notes are placed from second line to on top of the staff, with a sharp placed before the 7th note – F. [Return to Figure 9.1]

Figure 9.2 image description: Image of staff with treble clef, and a sharp placed on the top line of the staff. Notes on staff go from second line to on top of the staff. [Return to Figure 9.2]

Figure 9.5 image description: Image of staff, treble clef and 4/4 time signature. The same notes are written as previous image, but in this one there is a key signature with 4 sharps placed between the clef and the time signature. [Return to Figure 9.5]

Figure 10.1 image description: Image of two staffs. Top has treble clef, bottom has bass clef. There are 5 bars. The first has the text C major over it. The second has 1 sharp in the key signature and the text G major over it. The third has 2 sharps and the text D major. the fourth has 3 sharps and A major, fifth has 4 sharps and the text E major. [Return to Figure 10.1]

Figure 10.2 image description: Image of two staffs. Top has treble clef and bottom has bass clef. There are 5 bars. The first has the text C major over it. The second has 1 flat in the key signature and the text F major over it. The third has 2 flats and the text B♭ major. The fourth has 3 flats and the text E♭ major, and the fifth has 4 flats and the text A major. [Return to Figure 10.2]

Figure 12.1 image description: Image of two staffs. Top has treble clef, bottom has bass clef. There are 5 bars. The first has the text A minor over it. The second has 1 sharp in the key signature and the text E minor over it. The third has 2 sharps and the text B minor. The fourth has 3 sharps and F# minor, fifth has 4 sharps and the text C# minor. [Return to Figure 12.1]

Figure 12.2 image description: Image of two staffs. Top has treble clef and bottom has bass clef. There are 5 bars. The first has the text A minor over it. The second has 1 flat in the key signature and the text D minor over it. The third has 2 flats and the text G minor. The fourth has 3 flats and the text C minor, and the fifth has 4 flats and the text F minor. [Return to Figure 12.2]

Figure 16.1 image description: Staff with four measures. Treble clef, one sharp in key signature, 3/4 time signature is shown. Notes placed on second line in each measure. Red rectangle surrounds the first three notes. [Return to Figure 16.1]

Figure 16.2 image description: Treble clef, one sharp, 6/6 time signature on staff. Notes placed on second line in all four measures. Red rectangle surrounds first 6 notes. [Return to Figure 16.2]

Figure 16.3 image description: Treble clef, one sharp, 2/2 time signature on staff. Notes placed on second line in all four measures. Third measure has a C with a vertical line. Red rectangle surrounds 2/2. Red rectangle surrounds C with vertical line. [Return to Figure 16.3]

Figure 16.4 image description: Treble clef, one flat, 4/4 time signature on staff. Letter C placed in third measure. Notes placed on bottom space in all four measures. Red rectangle surrounds letter C. [Return to Figure 16.4]

Figure 22.1 image description: Image of staff, treble clef and 4/4 time signature. Half notes are stacked vertically on first, second, and third space (F,A,C). Second stack is on the same spaces, but there is a flat symbol on the second space (A). [Return to Figure 22.1]

Figure 22.2 image description: Image of staff, treble clef. Seven quarter notes are placed ascending from bottom space to top line. There are flat symbols on the third, fourth, sixth, and seventh notes. The first, third and fifth notes have the corresponding numbers over top. [Return to Figure 22.2]

Figure 22.3 image description: Image of staff, treble clef and 4/4 time signature. Whole notes are placed on a leger line below the staff, the first and second line. (C,E,G). There is a vertical barline, then another set of whole notes on the same lines but with a sharp symbol on the top note (G). [Return to Figure 22.3]

Figure 22.4 image description: Image of staff, treble clef and 4/4 time signature. Whole notes are placed on the bottom three lines. There is a flat before the note on the third line. [Return to Figure 22.4]

Figure 22.5 image description: Image of staff, bass clef and 4/4 time signature. Whole notes are placed on the second, third, and fourth lines. There is a flat on the second line, and a sharp on the fourth line. [Return to Figure 22.5]


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