16 Time Signature Part 2

In addition to 4/4 time, there are many other common time signatures. Here are some examples.

Figure 16.1 Image description available.
Figure 16.1  3/4 is commonly found in many styles of music and is a defining characteristic of waltzes. The 3 quarter notes in the first bar clearly show the 3 beats. [Image description – See Appendix C Figure 16.1]
Figure 16.2 Image description available.
Figure 16.2  6/8 time signature is commonly found in jigs and other styles of music. The 6 eighth notes in the first measure show the 6 beats. [Image description – See Appendix C Figure 16.2]
Figure 16.3 Image description available.
Figure 16.3  2/2, also referred to as cut time, can be shown using numbers (as it is show in the first bar), or as a C with a vertical line (as shown in the 3rd bar). [Image description – See Appendix C Figure 16.3]
Figure 16.4 Image description available.
Figure 16.4  4/4 is also referred to as common time, which can be shown with a C (as demonstrated in the 3rd bar). [Image description – See Appendix C Figure 16.4]


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