This book will help musicians learn some of the basic rudiments and theory used by countless musicians all over the world. These basic theory skills can help in understanding music and can be used to communicate with other musicians verbally and when writing music on paper.

Here is an example of sheet music. Click each question mark on it to see what performers read.

Basics of Printed Music

Video 0.1 Basics of Printed Music [Video transcript – See Appendix B 0.1]

Throughout the book, you will find a variety of interactive features. Words that are found in red, like pitch, can be clicked on for a definition. Other interactive features, such as slide shows and questions for the reader to answer, can be made full screen by clicking the full-screen button.



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Introduction to Music Theory and Rudiments Copyright © 2024 by Devin Hart is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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