Fill in the Blanks

Main Uses

The Fill-in-the-Blanks questions are one of the most commonly used types for assessing learning. It can be used as a way to assess the learners’ understanding of an entire block of content, a concept, a module, unit, or topic. Additionally, due to its ability to add an image, video, or audio clip on top of the questions, it can be used to test the learners’ comprehension of a chart, diagram, a video, or podcast clip.

There are two versions of fill-in-the-blanks questions available: simple and complex. In the complex version, an instructor can have a drop-down list of choices for learners to choose from.

How to create


1. Simple fill in the blanks


This example shows the classic, traditional look-and-feel of the fill-in- the-blank question. For each blank, learners need to type in their answers, which may be different in letter case form, or is a variant of, the correct answer. To avoid being graded as an incorrect answer, instructors need to provide as many possible variants of accepted answers for each blank. Additionally, a tip or prompt can be provided for each blank as well. On top of the questions, instructors can add an image, video, or audio clip.

2. Complex fill in the blanks


In this example, for each blank, a drop-down list of options/choices is provided for learners to select from.

This feature does not allow learners to enter their own answers—thus it prevents situations where a correct answer might not match the list of accepted variants set by the instructor. This is particularly helpful when grading questions.

Same as the simple version, an image, video, or audio clip can be provided on top of the questions.

Note: Instructor can provide feedback or a note for each choice to help learners understand why it is correct or incorrect.


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