Appendix A
Appendix A
Blank Data Collection Sheets (for use by Researcher)
Video Analysis
Researcher Name:
Date of Video: __________________
Number of Views on YourAlberta YouTube account: _________________
Number of Views on Facebook: _________________
Name of Government of Alberta Officials speaking: _______________________________
Key messages:
Additional Health Measures Announced:
Write down key words or phrases from the video (Up to 10):
Statistics given (i.e. “90% of ICU patients are unvaccinated”):
What is the main feeling of the video (i.e. hope, fear, etc.): _________________________
Research sub question: Has government messaging effectively managed public trust, pharmaceutical, and non-pharmaceutical prevention?
Other Notes:
Table A1. Blank data collection sheet for video analysis.
Table A2. Blank data collection sheet for social media analysis.