Introduction to the Data Gathering Process

Introduction to the Data Gathering Process

This current study used a mixed-methods online anonymous survey through Google Forms to gather the results. The 16-question online survey was posted for two weeks between the dates of October 27 to November 10, 2021. The results of the survey were monitored daily, and all applicable data was collected into a spreadsheet until completion. An important element of the data gathering process is providing people with the opportunity to include their own voice in the survey by utilizing open-ended questions. For example, when asking people about some of the joys they experience when participating in their hobby, the questions provided several options that people might identify with. However, there was no way that every single joy could have been listed; therefore, using an “other” option allowed people to fill in the blank if one of the joys they experienced through their hobby was not listed as a potential answer.

This research considered the quality of the long-answer questions. Take question eight, for example. If someone answered question eight, which asked participants to describe their relationship with their hobby/hobbies, with one word, like “good,” or with minimum effort, it would not provide much detail into that participant’s lifestyle. When participants shared more detail in the open-ended questions, it provided a clearer picture of their overall lifestyle and the connection between their hobbies and mental health. Examining the different hobby types throughout the research process helped to determine which type of hobby is most likely to cause stress or joy.


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