Social Media Analysis

Social Media Analysis

Each data collection sheet was adjusted based on the individual needs of each Covid-19 update. The data sheets consisted of qualitative and quantitative data. Quantitative data included the total number of views, comments, and reactions made on each video post. Qualitative data was created based on an analysis of the contents of each individual “top comment.” Categorical data was expanded to be more inclusive of repetitive themes.  Comments of interest were flagged and added to the document to provide more substantive data. See the appendices for a blank data collection sheet for the social media analysis and a completed data collection sheet for the social media analysis on the Facebook videos. Data was gathered by mixed methods content analysis. Keywords, informed by secondary research, were developed to identify variables. This study gathered data from two methods: analysis of six Alberta Government Covid-19 update videos and correlating public Facebook reactions and comments.

Video Analysis

  1. Six Government of Alberta Covid-19 update videos were selected, out of more than 240 videos, based on pivotal times throughout the pandemic in Alberta. They include the declaration of a state of emergency in March 2020, the announcement of strict lockdown measures during the second wave, the “Open for Summer” message, the $100 vaccination incentive program, and the announcement of a second state of public health emergency. The last announcement included the implementation of the Restrictions Exemption Program.
  2. Videos were analyzed, quotes transcribed, and data recorded on collection sheets for each.
  3. Comparative analysis identified themes for quotational evidence.


 Social Media Analysis

  1. Facebook posts corresponding with the chosen videos were identified, and views, reactions, and comments were recorded.
  2. The top 100 comments were viewed and assigned to categories created by contextual content analysis, which provided relevant categories for further interpretation.
  3. Comments were cross-referenced for commonalities, repeated statements, or ideological bases.
  4. Once all comments were coded, the overall section was analyzed for correspondence to videos

Data Analysis

Data analysis occurred once all of the relevant information was gathered from the videos and social media. No software was used. Researchers coded text into the themes individually. Once the video and social media analysis was completed, researchers compared the information to identify overlapping trends, themes, and concepts. Content analysis of six video updates by the Alberta government, social media comments, and reactions by the public were examined to determine if the Covid-19 infodemic contributed to the current health crisis in Alberta by amplifying inconsistent messaging by provincial officials.


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Research and Communications: Student Collection 2022 Copyright © 2023 by Bachelor of Communications Students at MacEwan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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