2.6 Z-Score as a Measure of Relative Standing

A college admissions officer is looking at the files of two international candidates, one with a computer-based TOEFL score of 210 and the other with an IELTS score of 7.5. Which score is better? How can we compare measurements with different scales? The solution is the z-score, which gives a relative standing among the population.

Suppose variable [latex]X[/latex] follows a distribution with a mean [latex]\mu[/latex] and a standard deviation [latex]\sigma[/latex], the corresponding standardized variable is defined as

[latex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}.[/latex]

It can be shown that the standardized variable [latex]Z[/latex] has a mean 0 and a standard deviation 1.

For a given value of [latex]X[/latex], denoted as the corresponding lower-case [latex]x[/latex], the value of the standardized variable is called the z-score of [latex]x[/latex], which is given by

[latex]z = \frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}.[/latex]

If the population parameters [latex]\mu[/latex] and [latex]\sigma[/latex] are unknown, use the sample mean and standard deviation [latex]\bar{x}[/latex] and [latex]s[/latex] to estimate them, then the z-score becomes

[latex]z = \frac{x - \bar{x}}{s}.[/latex]

Properties of the z-score:

  • It measures how far an individual is away from the mean using standard deviation as the unit (ruler).
  • It represents a relative standing of an observation.
  • A z-score > 0 means the observation x is above the mean; z-score < 0 means the observation x is below the mean; z-score = 0 means the observation x is equal to the mean.
  • A z-score has no unit.


Example: Z-score

Suppose that the TOEFL score for admission at MacEwan has a mean 200 and a standard deviation 10, and the IELTS score has a mean 6 and a standard deviation 1. Two international candidates, one with a TOEFL score of 210 and the other with an IELTS score of 7.5. Which score is relatively better?

Calculate the z-score for the student who took the TOEFL exam:

[latex]z_T = \frac{x - \mu}{\sigma} = \frac{210 - 200}{10} = 1.[/latex]

This z-score means that the student who took the TOEFL exam is one standard deviation above the average.

The z-score for the student who took the IELTS exam:

[latex]z_I = \frac{x - \mu}{\sigma} = \frac{7.5 - 6}{1} = 1.5.[/latex]

This z-score means that the student who took the IELTS exam is 1.5 standard deviation above the average. Therefore, the student who took the IELTS exam is better because the z-score is larger. This tells us that the IELTS student score is relatively further above the mean than the TOEFL student score is above its mean.

Exercise: Women Heptathlon Champion

Women’s heptathlon in Olympics includes seven track and field events—200-m and 800-m runs, 100-m high hurdles, shot put, javelin, high jump, and long jump. How do you determine the champion?
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The events are measured in different units, some are in metres and some are in seconds. Moreover, for those runs and high hurdles, results are the smaller the better; for jumps, shot put, and javelin, the larger the better. In order to combine the results of the seven events to a single score to determine the winner, one possible solution is the z-score. The idea is as follows:

For each athlete, calculate her z-score in each of those seven events:

Put a negative sign in front of those z-scores whose results are the smaller the better, i.e., for 200-m and 800-m runs, 100-m high hurdles. Note that a positive z-score in 100-m run indicates the athlete is below average, since she spends more time than the mean to finish the run. The athlete has the smallest z-score, which is a negative z-score, is the winner of this event. Putting a negative sign in front of the smallest z-score will make it positive and the largest z-score for this event. This makes sense in the way that the larger the z-score the better performance.

Add the seven z-scores together and get a single value. The one has the largest value is the winner.


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